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Click here to view an online scrapbook of our activities as a Bear den in 1999-2000. Click here to view an online scrapbook of our activities as a First-Year Webelos patrol in 2000-2001.
Activities 2001-2002Sunday, May 5, 2002Webelos attending: Stephen Cwiok, Bobby Fuller, Tim Kennedy, and Troy Perry. Adults attending: Mr. Perry, Mr. Kennedy, and parents. Cub Scout Pack 16 held its annual Blue and Gold Banquet at Angelica's Restaurant in Middleton. The proceedings got under way at 11 a.m. with a performance by Peter O'Malley, a magician, followed by a pasta-and-meatball dinner at noon. Mr. Stanley, the cubmaster, presided over an impressive awards ceremony, the highlight of which was his presentation of two awards to Mr. Perry for his long service to Cub Scouting. When the Flying Eagle Patrol took the stage, Mr. Stanley, Mr. Perry, Mr. Kennedy officially presented the boys with their Arrow of Light awards, which they had earned at the crossover ceremony the week before. It was announced that Bobby Fuller, Tim Kennedy, and Troy Perry had earned their World Conservation Awards, which they will receive soon. Awards that had not been previously presented were also announced: Tim Kennedy, Outdoorsman activity pin and second compass point; and Troy Perry, Traveler and Athlete activity pins and second compass point. Mr. Kennedy presented Mr. Perry with a gift certificate for him and Mrs. Perry, as well as a photo and placque, for three years of service to the patrol. The boys presented Mr. Kennedy with a gift certificate as well. The banquet and ceremony ended shortly before 2 p.m. Saturday and Sunday, April 27 and 28, 2002Webelos attending: Stephen Cwiok, Bobby Fuller, Tim Kennedy, and Troy Perry. Adults attending: Mr. Perry, Mr. Kennedy, and parents. The Webelos of the Flying Eagle Patrol are no more. On Saturday, April 27, they became Boy Scouts, earning their Arrow of Light awards in an impressive crossover ceremony at the Danvers Fish and Game Club. The ceremony began at 7:45 p.m. with a Native American story, complete with drums, fire, an inspirational story, and much whooping and yelling. Four boys from the Flying Eagle Patrol and six other Webelos from Cub Scout Pack 16 were ferried by canoe from the Webelos' island to the other side of the pond, where scouts and leaders from Boy Scout Troop 16 were waiting for them. Later, Mr. Perry and Mr. Kennedy presented the Arrow of Light award to Stephen Cwiok, Bobby Fuller, Tim Kennedy, and Troy Perry. Also earning the Arrow of Light was Alex MacLeod, who did not attend. Following the ceremonies, the boys took part in a campout with Troop 16. The next morning, they practiced axemanship skills. Thanks to those who participated in the ceremony: Mr. Nastuk, who played the drum and acted as the Storyteller; Mr. Fuller, who handled the fire; Mr. Stanley, the East Wind; Mr. Leblanc, the West Wind; Mr. Perry, the North Wind; and Mr. Kennedy, the South Wind. And thanks to Mr. DiIanni, the scoutmaster of Troop 16, and the rest of the leadership for making our boys feel so welcome at their first Boy Scout campout. Tuesday, April 9, 2002Webelos attending: Stephen Cwiok, Tim Kennedy, Alex MacLeod, and Troy Perry. Adults attending: Mr. Perry, Mr. Kennedy, and parents. The Flying Eagle Patrol took part in a meeting of Boy Scout Troop 16, part of the boys' requirements for the Arrow of Light Award. The troop met at 7 p.m. at the Maple Street Congregational Church. Following opening ceremonies, the boys were given instruction in handling an axe and a hatchet. A fire was built outside, and a demonstration was given in how to cook a simple dessert in a Dutch oven. Troy Perry was presented with his Outdoorsman activity pin. Sunday, April
7, 2002
Webelos attending: Stephen Cwiok, Bobby Fuller, Tim Kennedy, Alex MacLeod, and Troy Perry. Adults attending: Mr. Perry and Mr. Kennedy. The Flying Eagle Patrol participated in the Yankee Clipper Council's Clean-Up Day at the Parker River National Wildlife Refuge on Plum Island. The boys met at Mr. Perry's house at 9 a.m. and arrived at the refuge at 10. Along with about a dozen other boys, our Webelos took part in a bird-watching demonstration, viewing a pair of nesting osprey through a telescope and binoculars. After bird-watching, the Flying Eagle Patrol took on an important project: clearing a winter's worth of accumulated sand off a boardwalk leading to the beach. Bearing shovels, the boys headed toward the water and spent more than an hour shoveling sand and removing beach grass and litter. The scouts did an outstanding job. Following lunch, the boys hiked along the boadwalk trails through saltmarshes and dunes and climbed an observation tower. It was a terrific day of volunteering, learning, and fun. After returning to Mr. Perry's house at 3:30, Mr. Perry and Mr. Kennedy presented the boys with wallet card inscribed with the Outdoor Code. In addition, all boys who participated in the event and have also earned their Forester, Naturalist, and Outdoorsman activity pins will be eligible for the Cub Scout World Conservation Award. Saturday, March 23, 2002Pack bowling. Webelos attending; Stephen Cwiok, Bobby Fuller, Alex MacLeod, and Troy Perry. Adults attending: Mr. Perry and Mr. Kennedy. The Flying Eagle Patrol took part in a bowling event organized by Pack 16. The boys met at Sunnyside Lanes, in Danversport, at 11:30 a.m. and bowled from a little after noon until a little after 1. Boy Scout swim. Webelos attending: Stephen Cwiok, Tim Kennedy, Alex MacLeod, and Troy Perry. Adults attending: Mr. Perry and Mr. Kennedy. At the invitation of Boy Scout Troop 16, the Flying Eagle Patrol participated in a troop swim at the YMCA from 5 to 6 p.m., followed by pizza downstairs. Thanks to Mr. DiIanni, the scoutmaster, for an outstanding time! Friday, March 8, 2002Webelos attending: Stephen Cwiok, Bobby Fuller, Tim Kennedy, Alex MacLeod, and Troy Perry. Adults attending: Mr. Perry and Mr. Kennedy. The Flying Eagle Patrol met at 7 p.m. at Mr. Perry's house to make birdhouses. The boys nailed their birdhouses together out of pre-cut materials, learning how to drill nail holes to prevent the wood from splitting and to use a hammer properly. The meeting adjourned shortly before 10 p.m. Saturday, March 2, 2002Webelos attending: Stephen Cwiok, Bobby Fuller, Tim Kennedy, Alex MacLeod, and Troy Perry. Adults attending: Mr. Perry and Mr. Kennedy. The Flying Eagle Patrol met at 2 p.m. at Mr. Perry's house. Mr. Perry and Mr. Kennedy talked about getting ready to cross over to Boy Scouts -- learning and understanding the Boy Scout Oath and Promise, visiting a Boy Scout troop, and preparing for the crossover ceremony (complete with overnight campout) later this spring. At 3 the boys arrived at the YMCA for an open swim. For two hours, patrol members dove, swam, and splashed around. In addition, Mr. Kennedy helped Stephen and Alex with their Aquanaut requirements. Following the swim, Mr. Perry and Mr. Kennedy presented activity pins in a brief ceremony outside the YMCA. Receiving their Aquanaut pins were Stephen Cwiok and Alex MacLeod. Receiving his Scientist and Traveler pins was Tim Kennedy. Congratulations, boys! Saturday, February 16, 2002Webelos attending: Stephen Cwiok, Bobby Fuller, Tim Kennedy, Alex MacLeod, and Troy Perry. Adults attending: Mr. Perry, Mr. Kennedy, and parents. Cub Scout Pack 16 held its annual Pinewood Derby at the Maple Street Congregational Church. It was a very big day for the Flying Eagle Patrol, and especially Stephen Cwiok, who took home a trophy so big it was a wonder he could carry it. Steve was the champion of the Webelos Division. Then, at the end of the day, he competed in the pack championships against the winners of the Bear, Wolf, and Tiger divisions -- and he came in first, meaning that Steve had the best car in all of Pack 16. Congratulations Steve! Tim Kennedy came in second in the Webelos Division and Alex MacLeod came in fourth. Overall, it was a great day, with races being held from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Friday, January 25, 2002Webelos attending: Bobby Fuller, Tim Kennedy, and Troy Perry. Adults attending: Mr. Perry and parents. Cub Scout Pack 16 held its annual Pinewood Derby tune-up at the Maple Street Congregational Church. Members of the Flying Eagle Patrol raced their previous years' cars down the track so as not to damage their new cars, which will be ready by Race Day -- Saturday, February 16. Saturday, January 12, 2002Webelos attending: Bobby Fuller, Stephen Cwiok, Tim Kennedy, and Troy Perry. Adults attending: Mr. Perry and Mr. Kennedy. Also attending: Becky Kennedy. The Flying Eagle Patrol held its first meeting of 2002 in the newly refurbished garage at Mr. Perry's house. The highlight of the garage is a brand-new woodburning stove. The meeting began shortly after 12:30 p.m. with an awards ceremony. Bobby Fuller was recognized for a number of achievements. He earned the Aquanaut, Geologist, Outdoorsman, Scholar, Scientist, and Sportsman activity pins, as well as the Baseball, Basketball, Swimming, and Tennis belt loops. He also received three compass points to put on his Webelos compass patch. Stephen Cwiok earned the Showman activity pin and a Webelos compass patch. Tim Kennedy and Troy Perry were each recognized for having earned one compass point for their Webelos compass patches. Travis Gray and Alex MacLeod have also earned their Webelos compass patches, although they were absent from this meeting. After the awards ceremony, the boys -- plus Becky -- got to work building their Pinewood Derby cars. Unlike other years, when they received help from Mr. Perry and Mr. Kennedy, this time the boys worked strictly on their own, using the drill press to make holes for their axles, the band saw to cut out their designs, and a power sander to smooth out the surface. The boys (and girl) also hand-sanded their cars and painted them with several coats of water and glue in order to seal the wood. Mrs. Perry served juice and cupcakes. The meeting ended shortly before 5 p.m. Friday, December 21, 2001Webelos attending: Bobby Fuller, Stephen Cwiok, Tim Kennedy, Alex MacLeod, and Troy Perry. Adults attending: Mr. Perry, Mr. Kennedy, and parents. Cub Scout Pack 16 held its monthly pack meeting at the Maple Street Congregational Church. The meeting was called to order at about 7 p.m. by Mr. Stanley, the cubmaster. The purpose of the meeting was to hold an awards ceremony in order to recognize the boys' achievements. Mr. Perry and Mr. Kennedy recognized members of the Flying Eagle Patrol for their achievements since the Blue and Gold Banquet on May 6. All six members of the patrol have earned their Forester, Naturalist, Communicator, and Artist activity pins. All members have also met the Arrow of Light day-hike requirement by hiking the Sky Line Trail on October 28. They are: Bobby Fuller, Stephen Cwiok, Travis Gray, Tim Kennedy, Alex MacLeod, and Troy Perry. In addition, Stephen Cwiok, Travis Gray, Tim Kennedy, and Alex MacLeod have earned their Handyman pin, and Tim Kennedy and Troy Perry have earned their Sportsman pin. All six patrol members have now met their activity-pin requirements for the Arrow of Light, and will be eligible to cross over into Boy Scouts next spring as long as they fulfill their other requirements, such as learning more about scouting and visiting a troop. Following the ceremony, the boys received their Pinewood Derby kits. We will spend several meetings in January working on our cars for this annual event. Saturday, December 1, 2001Webelos attending: Bobby Fuller, Tim Kennedy, Alex MacLeod, and Troy Perry. Adults attending: Mr. Perry and Mr. Kennedy. The Flying Eagle Patrol met at the Perrys' house at 12:30 p.m. Also attending was Mr. Perry's Tiger Cub den and their parents. As the Tiger Cubs looked on, Mr. Kennedy presented the Webelos with their Artist activity pins. Receiving their pins were Bobby Fuller, Tim Kennedy, Alex MacLeod, and Troy Perry. Also earning their pins were Travis Gray and Stephen Cwiok, who were absent. They will receive their pins at a later time. Following the ceremony, the Webelos left for Shriners Auditorium, in Wilmington, to check out a model railroad show. There were a number of very cool set-ups, including a Lego city and a railroad that contained a small video camera that took video of everyone who was gathered around the tracks. The Flying Eagles left shortly after 3 p.m. and were back in Danvers before 4. Friday, November 30, 2001Webelos attending: Stephen Cwiok, Tim Kennedy, Alex MacLeod, and Troy Perry. Adults attending: Mr. Perry, Mr. Kennedy, and parents. Cub Scout Pack 16 held its annual Invention Convention at 7 p.m. at the Maple Street Congregational Church. Following an impressive opening ceremony that was highlighted by the Pledge of Allegiance, the boys set to work building contraptions made out of string, paper clips, keychains, tongue depressers, and other objects. Sunday, November 18, 2001Webelos attending: Stephen Cwiok, Bobby Fuller, Travis Gray, Tim Kennedy, Alex MacLeod, and Troy Perry. Adults attending: Mr. Perry, Mr. Kennedy, and Mrs. Kennedy. The Flying Eagle Patrol met at the Kennedys' house at 7 p.m. to work on their Communicator activity pins. The boys talked about different ways of communicating -- writing letters, Morse code, the Internet, radio, television, and the like -- and then traveled to the Salem Evening News, in Beverly, for a tour. Mrs. Kennedy, who is a staff photographer at the News, led the way. The Webelos observed demonstrations of page design using Quark XPress, and learned about copy editing, and how important it is to get everything spelled just right. Mrs. Kennedy showed how negatives are scanned into a computer so they can be digitized and published in the paper. Following a walk through the pressroom, the Webelos returned to the Kennedys' house. In a brief ceremony, Stephen Cwiok, Travis Gray, and Alex MacLeod received their Handyman pins; and Stephen Cwiok, Bobby Fuller, Travis Gray, Tim Kennedy, Alex MacLeod, and Troy Perry received their Communicator pins. Bobby Fuller also received his patch for hiking the Sky Line Trail on October 28. The meeting ended shortly before 9 p.m. Friday, November 9, 2001Webelos attending: Stephen Cwiok, Travis Gray, Tim Kennedy, Alex MacLeod, and Troy Perry. Adults attending: Mr. Perry, Mr. Kennedy, and Mrs. Kennedy. The Flying Eagle Patrol met at the Kennedys' house at 7 p.m. to work on their Artist activity pins. We began with a brief review of the dos and don'ts of knife use and safety, led by Mr. Perry. Travis Gray received his Whittlin' Chip card, and the other boys were presented with new copies of the cards. Mr. Perry will have them laminated. Mr. Kennedy presented the following boys with patches for their participation in the October 28 hike of the Sky Line Trail: Stephen Cwiok, Travis Gray, Tim Kennedy, Alex MacLeod, and Troy Perry. For the rest of the evening, Mrs. Kennedy led the boys in activities toward earning their Artist activity pin, including sculpting, framemaking, and computer art. The meeting ended shortly after 9 p.m. Sunday, October 28, 2001Webelos attending: Stephen Cwiok, Bobby Fuller, Travis Gray, Tim Kennedy, Alex MacLeod, and Troy Perry. Adults attending: Mr. Kennedy, Mr. Cwiok, and Mr. Gray. The Flying Eagle Patrol undertook an all-day hike along the Sky Line Trail, in the Middlesex Fells, in Medford, Stoneham, and Winchester, and finished their requirements for the Naturalist activity pin. The Webelos met at the Kennedys' house at 9 a.m. and traveled to the Fells, beginning the seven-mile hike at 10. The trail was hilly and rocky, which made for a challenging hike. The weather was perfect: about 50 degrees and clear, with the foliage at its peak. There were several rocky outlooks along the way. At 11:30 the boys arrived at the summit of Pine Hill, where there is an observation tower that looks out over Route 93 and the Boston skyline. Here the patrol had lunch. Along the way, the boys learned about bird flyways and poisonous reptiles and plants. The only two poisonous reptiles in Massachusetts are timber rattlesnakes and copperheads, both of which are very rare snakes. Poisonous plants include poison ivy, poison oak, and poison sumac. The boys also looked for wild animals. Among those spotted were crickets (which we heard but didn't see), chickadees, sparrows, worms, ants, beetles, squirrels, and chipmunks. The patrol arrived back in the parking lot at about 3 p.m. Since we had somehow missed the Panther Cave on the hike, we drove to the nearest trailhead and attempted to find it again. It turned out to be a small, very narrow cave, just big enough for the boys to slip through. We arrived back at the Kennedys' house by 4:30. Receiving their Naturalist pins were Stephen Cwiok, Bobby Fuller, Travis Gray, Tim Kennedy, Alex MacLeod, and Troy Perry. Tim Kennedy also received his Handyman pin. Good work, boys! Friday, October 26, 2001Webelos attending: Stephen Cwiok, Bobby Fuller, Travis Gray, Tim Kennedy, Alex MacLeod, and Troy Perry. Adults attending: Mr. Perry, Mr. Kennedy, and parents. Pack 16 held its Raingutter Regatta at the Maple Street Congregational Church. The pack gathered at about 6:30 p.m. for a supper of hot dogs, chili, chips, and cookies. Shortly after 7, the boys began racing their boats in long, water-filled gutters, blowing on the sails through straws (or not) to make them move as fast as possible. Each boy in the pack received a certificate of participation. Friday, October 12, 2001Webelos attending: Stephen Cwiok, Bobby Fuller, Travis Gray, Tim Kennedy, Alex MacLeod, and Troy Perry. Adults attending: Mr. Perry, Mr. Kennedy, and Mrs. Kennedy. Also attending: Trevor Perry. The Flying Eagle Patrol met at the Kennedys' house at 7 p.m. Following an opening ceremony in which the boys recited the Pledge of Allegiance, they spent the evening working on requirements for their Communicator activity pins. Kimberly Whitmore instructed the Webelos in American Sign Language. Mrs. Whitmore went through the entire alphabet as well as signs for some common words, and helped the boys come up with ASL signs for their own names. Mr. Kennedy instructed the boys in Internet usage -- including how to stay safe online -- and Mrs. Kennedy helped them make decoder wheels, and led a game of charades. After refreshments, the meeting closed at about 8:45 p.m. with the recitation of the Boy Scout Promise and the Boy Scout Oath. Friday, October 5, 2001Webelos attending: Stephen Cwiok, Travis Gray, Tim Kennedy, and Troy Perry. Adults attending: Mr. Perry, Mr. Kennedy, Mrs. Kennedy, and Ms. Neenan. The Flying Eagle Patrol held its first meeting of the season. The boys gathered at the Kennedys' house at 7 p.m. At the opening ceremony, the patrol recited the Pledge of Allegiance. Mr. Kennedy presented Troy Perry with his Sportsman activity pin and his Fishing pin. Congratulations, Troy! Mrs. Kennedy helped the boys make terrariums, which is one of the requirements for earning the Naturalist activity pin. Using pickle jars, the boys build a natural, enclosed environment of gravel, charcoal, soil, plants, and water. Various types of green plants were placed in the soil, and then the terrariums were sealed up. These self-contained ecosystems can last anywhere from a few months to a year or more. After refreshments and a closing ceremony, the meeting ended at about 8:45 p.m. Friday, September 28, 2001Webelos attending: Stephen Cwiok, Bobby Fuller, Tim Kennedy, Alex MacLeod, and Troy Perry. Adults attending: Mr. Perry, Mr. Kennedy, and parents. Pack 16 held its first meeting of the season at the Maple Street Congregational Church. The meeting began shortly after 7 p.m. with an opening ceremony led by the Flying Eagle Patrol. Stephen Cwiok presented the American flag, accompanied by Alex MacLeod and Troy Perry. Following the presentation of colors, the boys, joined by Mr. Perry, Mr. Kennedy, and Mr. Fuller, led a special ceremony on the meaning of the Pledge of Allegiance, followed by everyone reciting the Pledge. The boys did a great job at this difficult time for our country. Mr. Stanley, the Cubmaster, supervised the construction of boats for the Raingutter Regatta, which will be held on Friday, October 26. (See the Calendar for details.) The boys need to be sure to take good care of their boats until race day. The meeting adjourned at about 8:30 p.m. This page was last updated on May 8, 2002 |